Friday, November 17, 2006

Fifth Day

My fifth day did not involve the gym, as it's my longest and busiest day at work. I finished up at 9:00 last night and it was too late. Howevah, I did take the long route through the warehouse over and over at a pretty fast clip, I did walk, and I lifted as much heavy stuff as I could, knocking my help out of the way and leaving them baffled as to why a middle aged broad would want to heave that buffet onto a skate alone when there are three strapping guys standing nearby.

Today's the beginning of my weekend and I am looking forward(!) to a leisurely afternoon at the gym. Yea!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome. I love it that you are getting back on track. Me too. Starting to see those results. XO

November 17, 2006 4:59 PM  
Blogger Red Seven said...

You know you've turned that magic corner when you start looking forward to exercise. Rock on, Big Ass Belle!!

November 20, 2006 3:11 PM  

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