first rose
of the year, the lusciously named Souvenir de la Malmaison. It's covering my bedroom window and full of blooms. Intertwines with the fetching Jaune d'Esprez, a gorgeous yellow that never quite opens fully for some reason. Nevertheless, he smells divine and looks luscious with the French beauty. This is the first really good year for this lovely pink confection; she's taken a long time to get established, but is now running wild with canes 10' long.
Sadly, she's running wild over the tragic remnants of a 10 year stand of pink tiger lilies, whacked down by a crackhead with a weedeater. Same crackhead murdered my cutting of a glorious old red rose sent to me by a Louisiana woman. The combination would have been magnificent. Fucking crackheads.
Sadly, she's running wild over the tragic remnants of a 10 year stand of pink tiger lilies, whacked down by a crackhead with a weedeater. Same crackhead murdered my cutting of a glorious old red rose sent to me by a Louisiana woman. The combination would have been magnificent. Fucking crackheads.

On the upside, "Crackhead with a Weedeater" would be a great album name... although I think "Weedewhacker" has a better ring...
P.S.: I am very disappointed that you didn't make this post scratch-n'-sniff.
I just love how your beautiful posts about these gorgeous flowers can end with "Fucking crackheads." No, seriously. I love that.
The previous owners of my house (purchased in '02) left a rosebush behind. I try my best, knowing next to nothing about the care and feeding of roses, and there's usually only one bloom at a time, but it's this seriously gorgeous deep magenta color. So even though I'm incompentent when it comes to taking care of it, I keep it around and try my best.
Lovely! Thank you.
I have a while before my New Dawn even sends out leaves much less flowers, though I have it planted with an Etoile d'Nord clematis which is a really nice combo.
I put in a golden showers last year which my niece claims I bought just for the name. Okay, yeah, but I wanted a yellow rose.
Meadow Voles did in all of my lilies and I am not sure I will ever replace them. Damned rodents!
What the hell was a crackhead with a weedeater doing in your garden, woman?!
how I envy you - roses blooming already - there's still snow on the ground here. And its so glorious.
I have two climbers and two bush roses in my garden - they were planted by the previous owners and unfortunately cannot be readily seen from either the house or the deck. I was going to transplant them this year but as selling the house and moving to Rome has suddenly come up... I'll leave it to the next owner.
So please as I won't get much pleasure from my own garden this year - share yours with us as you've done today.
Now what was that, a teaser post to make us come back for the punchline later?
"Fucking crackhead with a weedeater" just begs the questions: Was the fucking crackhead with the weedeater a family member? Was the fucking crackhead with the weedeater someone like a gardner you hired? Was the fucking crackhead with the weedeater a neighbor on a bender? Was the fucking crackhead with the weedeater just your run of the mill fucking crackhead with a weedeater who happened to be passing through? Or are you running a dual-purpose crackhouse/garden tools store?
That is a fine rose. Reminds me to drive by our old farm and see if the new owners kept it or killed it. I daily check for the greening of the canes of the few old roses that we took with us. The Alchemist, each bloom of which changes color from apricot to pink over the space of two weeks, The Fantin LaTour a powerful pinkish white, and a favorite of Martha Stewart, and my favorite, Dorothy Perkins, a thirty foot climber that produces clusters of lipstick red, and was the most "overplanted rose" in the country in the early 20th century. I saw it in a field by a highway long before I knew its name. I broke off a cluster of bloom and put it in water. It sprouted and I've planted it everywhere we have moved. It does not know death and once we let it devour a gazebo which it made to look like a parade float. And, speaking of efficiency, there's Thompson's Yellow, and then there's....zzzz..clunk.
Now I don't like gardening at all and I don't have a garden. I never did anything in my parents' garden unless they "asked" me to. But if I did have a garden, roses would be the thing for me.
I guess I need a husband who cooks, cleans and gardens. Any takers?
Then again, now that the bees are gone, same difference, as the kids say...right?:)
Pretty! Wished I had a green thumb.
Beautimous!! I can hardly wait for my roses to May at the earliest.
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