Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Political scandals are lurking behind every bush on capitol hill, but I can't get the war out of my mind. We know we were lied to and intentionally misled into Iraq. So how can that not be top priority with this new Congress? How can they even talk about anything else? I am disappointed, to say the least. Impeach Gonzales, he deserves it. Fire every callous ass who had a hand in Walter Reed. But Iraq, Iraq, Iraq. Every day, another dead American soldier is sacrificed on this altar of lies.

To honor Alex’s memory, he has been crisscrossing the country, from Capitol Hill to Crawford, Texas, pulling a flag-draped coffin. He calls it his public mourning: “I want the caskets coming home to be very public. The government doesn’t want you to see them.” . . .

As we part, Carlos shows me the latest recruiting letter sent to his son Brian. It contains a fake red, white and blue credit card with Brian’s name on it. It says: “This is not a credit card. It is money in the bank.” An earlier letter promises him a bonus of up to $20,000. “What can you do with $20,000? A new car? Pay off credit cards? Help your family? ... Remember the decisions you are making right now will have a huge impact on how the rest of your life turns out.” Which is exactly why Carlos prays his surviving son will not join up.

Meanwhile, around the corner, each name read represents a once living, breathing, complex human being whose life was snuffed out as a result of this four-year-old war. Alongside the named dead are living people, like Carlos, following their consciences, making connections, building a movement, each day bringing the end of the war one day closer.

That's from Truthdig's "Exploding Into Action", the story of Carlos Arredondo, a father who lost his son in Iraq.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both my nephew and niece have received tons of mail and phone calls making promises of a better future if they sign up for the armed forces. They both are struggling to get straight A's so they can get scholarships to college. They can't afford it with out assistance of some kind. They are reading these pamphlets and considering their options. My sister (their mother) and I, Have told them both we will get second jobs to help them if they promise not to sign up to go to this immoral war. The way our government panders to naive, financially strapped kids, is beneath contempt. Like I've said before and will say again, if this country feels sacrifice is necessary for the survival of our nation, send all the kids, not just the poor and disadvantaged ones. Fuck President Bush. Fuck Dick Cheney. Fuck the joint chiefs of staff. Fuck this war. Impeach them all, and hold congress to their promise to end this fiasco.

March 14, 2007 9:11 AM  
Blogger BigAssBelle said...

i think that is what enrages me about that article as much as anything else. the recruitment materials are intentionally directed toward the poor and disadvantaged. making it look like a credit card? asking "what can you do with $20,000?" that is, as you said, beneath contempt.

March 14, 2007 9:21 AM  
Blogger Bea said...

Wars have never been fought by the upper classes, at least en mass. Military service has pulled quite a few of mine and Husband's family members up out of the mire of poverty, the ones who survived at least.

Lynette, thank you, thank you for your response on my blog. Like Debra, I am glad you stumbled over me.

"situations unbearable with tools I had at the time." Why do I keep forgetting this? Food was the only available comfort in my childhood pain. And it worked so well I am still using it.

I realize most of my body dissociation comes from the sexual abuse. I have no trouble being sexual but sensual makes my skin crawl. Feels fake. I was imprinted that all touch leads to awful sex. Logically haven't wanted sex much, ergo, do not enjoy touch. I can stand looking at myself. It just gives me the creeps to touch myself. I still have not put cream on my heals but I did get a pedicure. As far as I can go right now.

March 14, 2007 11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We won the battle to remove Saddam, and have lost the war in Iraq, it is time to exit as gracefully and expeditious as possible and bring our service people home.

As a veteran of the Vietnam era, who volunteered for service because it was the most practical thing for a directionless young person to do at the time, I have to say, it is time to bring back the draft. A draft will insure that a wide range of quality manpower is available to our armed forces, and not put the total burden on those in our society who have not had the benefit of an economically stabile life.

It is time that those who would send our citizens to war have to stop, think and consider the ramifications on their own children, who would be subject to the draft, let those in positions of political power enjoy the true burdens of war.

March 14, 2007 1:22 PM  

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