Wednesday, March 07, 2007

quote for the day

"Sugar, the gateway drug." As Tony says, that is all. Well no, that's not all. (Can she ever shut up? No. Never.) It's a great day, smells like spring, looks like spring, the trees are budding, magnolia around the corner in full bloom. It is a beautiful, glorious, wonderful, magnificent day to be alive. I believe it's in part because I have accepted (again) the quote for the day. Hope you're all having a fully alive, magnificent, great-to-be-in-your-skin kind day. Five weeks 'til the beach.


Blogger Bea said...

Magnolias blooming? I still have a five foot pile of snow in front of the house. I do see a small patch of brown lawn so maybe spring will arrive even here.

Printed off Cambridge grey sheet. Good grief. Kay's plan looks decadent compared to this. I am mighty confused and discouraged about "addiction."

March 07, 2007 11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your first beach book? The Secret Life of Bees. Southern author (I think) and as entertaining as it is deep. You will LOVE it. Glad you are feeling so chipper today!

March 07, 2007 11:31 AM  
Blogger tomvancouver said...

Some early blooing Cherry Trees are flowering here,and there is a plethora of beautiful rhododendron's in bloom just outside by door. Wish you well on your battle with your weight Belle, I can't imagine what it must be like, though, unlike other addictions which involve abstinence for the most part, I'd imagine it would be like an alcoholic having a drink, and it's not like you can just starve.

March 07, 2007 1:05 PM  
Blogger Debra said...

I'm really happy for you, Lynette, that you have been given the grace of surrender. What a peaceful, light feeling it is when there is no longer an endless debate about what to do -- there is real freedom in that.

March 07, 2007 1:09 PM  

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