Wednesday, May 02, 2007
About Me
- Name: BigAssBelle
- Location: Southern, United States
Counting the days til I get out of here.

People I Read
- Bad American
- BFD Blog!
- Blue Alto
- Delectatio Morosa
- Dishin' Dat
- Doralong
- Eric Three Thousand
- Evil Ganome
- From the Faraway, Nearby
- I Need More Cowbell
- It's My Right to Be Left of Center
- Joe.My.God.
- Kamrin's Karma
- Kusala
- Library Muscle Guy/Tank
- Long Story Longer
- Manhattan Chowder/Michael
- Meanwhile
- Ninth Circle of Helen
- Perge Modo
- Tater
- Rodger Dodger
- Scuff Productions
- Secrets of the Red Seven
- Shakesville
- Sirens Chronicles
- Someone in a Tree
- Subtle Knife
- Valley of the Vapors
- Willy or Won't He?
- Wit's End
- World O' Jeff
- BFD Blog!

What a great, GREAT ad. Love JE. As a fellow blogger said, I'd hit that.
That was excellent. I am so hopeful that the pendulum can swing the other way in this country, but am so so frustrated. Like You and many others, I crave action from the people and a media which grows a set instead of ass kissing their way into the innersanctum of the politicos. When will this madness end? Hopefully with a Democrat in office, and a re-connect of the minds of the American populace. Seems like a very daunting task.
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