Monday, June 11, 2007
About Me
- Name: BigAssBelle
- Location: Southern, United States
Counting the days til I get out of here.

People I Read
- Bad American
- BFD Blog!
- Blue Alto
- Delectatio Morosa
- Dishin' Dat
- Doralong
- Eric Three Thousand
- Evil Ganome
- From the Faraway, Nearby
- I Need More Cowbell
- It's My Right to Be Left of Center
- Joe.My.God.
- Kamrin's Karma
- Kusala
- Library Muscle Guy/Tank
- Long Story Longer
- Manhattan Chowder/Michael
- Meanwhile
- Ninth Circle of Helen
- Perge Modo
- Tater
- Rodger Dodger
- Scuff Productions
- Secrets of the Red Seven
- Shakesville
- Sirens Chronicles
- Someone in a Tree
- Subtle Knife
- Valley of the Vapors
- Willy or Won't He?
- Wit's End
- World O' Jeff
- BFD Blog!

Just when I thought I had heard everything!! And where the hell was that chemical when I was lusting after Larry Phillips in Grade 9?
The thing is that the guys are probably doing the dirty in the barracks after lights out anyway so this chemical would affect them how????
oooh, yes! wouldn't we all just love to have a little love chemical to squirt on the objects of our lust?
Where can I get me one o' them there bombs? Geez! We really are the stupidest country in the world.
I was hit my that bomb ages ago honey, and I've never been too lusty or gay to fight like the Dickins. Bring it on bitches, we can kick your ass or fuck it, and still dress better than you while doing either...
Go tater... love it.... wasn't that what they did in Sparta - well not 300 but they toned it down for the pimple-visaged youth of today but...
WTF?! Goodgawd, just when I think I've heard everything.
Tater: ---hahahahahaha!
So how does it affect DADT if the GayBomb goes off over our soldiers? Ridiculous.
But ... just to be clear, hypothetically ... if say, Angelina Jolie and I were in the same room, and this bomb went off ...
i think the gay bomb was to drop on our alleged enemies. they'd be so busy hooking up with each other, they'd forget to fight. it would be kind of trippy, wouldn't it? to have a big gay bomb go off in the midst of a homophobic fighting force. what happens when you become the thing you hate?
“Come on people now, smile on your brother. Everybody get together try to love one another right now.“
more cowbell, if that happened we'd have the makings of one hot prono flic....
I think we should craft the bomb and drop it on the campuses of Liberty University, Bob Jones University, and the entire state of Kansas.
Let the Gaying begin!!!
WTF???? I'm speechless, just can't process that sort of bat*shit*crazy...
Could we test it on the White House?
Maybe this never reached the US before, but my first thought was "old news".
Lynette: did they not think that bomb dust could be carried by the wind to our own foxholes? Love the song, ha!
W: damn right.
R7E: HAHAHAHA! Genius! I actually laughed out loud. Do it! Do it! and the White House too, Jeff!
Silly me, I thought I was born this way!
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