here's what i think, what do you think?
Darling Eric has tagged me with a thinking blogger award. I was tagged about a month ago, so I'm popping that post to the top and I'm going to actually follow through with what I was supposed to do that time and did not: notify my picks of my adoration and give them their cute little thinky badge thingy. Thank you, Eric, you are a peach. I am less peachy, having dropped the ball on this a month ago. I'm happy to see the thing still in circulation. That assures me that no everyone is a looooosssser like me.

So here's my original post from June something and now I'm off to do my duty by notifying my people:
Lynn, at the Daily Narcissist, has tagged me with a Thinking Blogger meme award thingie. While I generally detest those meme things and rarely understand them, who can resist a cute little Thinking Blogger badge? It all started here, at The Thinking Blog.
It's not a meme in the sense of "tell us 10 things you hate" or "five things i've never told anyone" (and have now just told the world). Just a tagging of folks who write things that make you think, who inspire you, and maybe folks who piss you off a little.
I am daily inspired by so many of you, and there are so many incredible writers I read every day and adore. So my tags are for some folks maybe you don't know; people I read who are on my favorites list but may not be on my blogroll. I am continually amazed at the ways people are connecting in this cyberworld (and I don't mean Manhunt and E-Harmony).
In today's world, where real participation in community groups is dropping, where most people don't know their neighbors well, if at all, where we plug in and numb out and separate ourselves from the rest of humanity, finding a way to connect with one another is important. That's what I like about blogs.
Our Karl Rove is brilliant. Lord knows the Democratic Party could utilize this guy (why do I assume that? something he's written, not pure sexism) to good effect. Don't know who he is, or anything about who's doing the writing, only that the work is superb and I really, really wish the Dems would hire this guy.
Existential Ramble writes on political and gay issues with an Oklahoma perspective. It's not a constant litany of posts, but each one is thoughtful and considered and the writing is excellent.
The Left End of the Dial, another Oklahoma boy who writes from out on the plains about politics, politics, politics, jazz and poetry.
Another Oklahoma blog which vanished for a bit last year, only to reappear better than ever: Independent Christian Voice. Darlings, do not let that Christian keep you from checking out these folks. These guys (they are guys) are the real deal, not those wild-eyed crazies who would deprive you of your humanity and your rights. Recent posts discuss Gore, Guantanamo, ethanol, homosexuality and WMDs close to home.
Not in any way least, but last, Kurt Hochenauer writes of dissent and patriotism at Okie Funk: Notes from the Outback. As Kurt's profile says, "This is a blog of populist and liberal information and ideas, advancing the cause of truth and justice while fighting the ugly tyranny of right-wing oppression in Oklahoma and its surrounding environs." Yes.
I can't say anything about blogs without mentioning my big gay blog daddy, Joe.My.God. Joe writes about being gay and what that means in this scary world, of love and laughter, about the plague of AIDS and loss and heartbreak and how he survived it all. He is my hero and he inspires us ~ his round table of fans ~ every day to think, to question ourselves and our beliefs. And his commenters are amazing: well informed, well behaved (for the most part), funny and bawdy and smart.
Well I started out feeling kind of self conscious about this, but as I've rounded up these people I so admire, I am really thinking that there is potential here to turn this country around. People writing and talking and reading and paying attention: that's a recipe for hope and I am inspired by all of you.

So here's my original post from June something and now I'm off to do my duty by notifying my people:
Lynn, at the Daily Narcissist, has tagged me with a Thinking Blogger meme award thingie. While I generally detest those meme things and rarely understand them, who can resist a cute little Thinking Blogger badge? It all started here, at The Thinking Blog.
It's not a meme in the sense of "tell us 10 things you hate" or "five things i've never told anyone" (and have now just told the world). Just a tagging of folks who write things that make you think, who inspire you, and maybe folks who piss you off a little.
I am daily inspired by so many of you, and there are so many incredible writers I read every day and adore. So my tags are for some folks maybe you don't know; people I read who are on my favorites list but may not be on my blogroll. I am continually amazed at the ways people are connecting in this cyberworld (and I don't mean Manhunt and E-Harmony).
In today's world, where real participation in community groups is dropping, where most people don't know their neighbors well, if at all, where we plug in and numb out and separate ourselves from the rest of humanity, finding a way to connect with one another is important. That's what I like about blogs.
Our Karl Rove is brilliant. Lord knows the Democratic Party could utilize this guy (why do I assume that? something he's written, not pure sexism) to good effect. Don't know who he is, or anything about who's doing the writing, only that the work is superb and I really, really wish the Dems would hire this guy.
Existential Ramble writes on political and gay issues with an Oklahoma perspective. It's not a constant litany of posts, but each one is thoughtful and considered and the writing is excellent.
The Left End of the Dial, another Oklahoma boy who writes from out on the plains about politics, politics, politics, jazz and poetry.
Another Oklahoma blog which vanished for a bit last year, only to reappear better than ever: Independent Christian Voice. Darlings, do not let that Christian keep you from checking out these folks. These guys (they are guys) are the real deal, not those wild-eyed crazies who would deprive you of your humanity and your rights. Recent posts discuss Gore, Guantanamo, ethanol, homosexuality and WMDs close to home.
Not in any way least, but last, Kurt Hochenauer writes of dissent and patriotism at Okie Funk: Notes from the Outback. As Kurt's profile says, "This is a blog of populist and liberal information and ideas, advancing the cause of truth and justice while fighting the ugly tyranny of right-wing oppression in Oklahoma and its surrounding environs." Yes.
I can't say anything about blogs without mentioning my big gay blog daddy, Joe.My.God. Joe writes about being gay and what that means in this scary world, of love and laughter, about the plague of AIDS and loss and heartbreak and how he survived it all. He is my hero and he inspires us ~ his round table of fans ~ every day to think, to question ourselves and our beliefs. And his commenters are amazing: well informed, well behaved (for the most part), funny and bawdy and smart.
Well I started out feeling kind of self conscious about this, but as I've rounded up these people I so admire, I am really thinking that there is potential here to turn this country around. People writing and talking and reading and paying attention: that's a recipe for hope and I am inspired by all of you.
Labels: blogs, hope in a dangerous world, inspiration
I've found some really good, thought-provoking and entertaining blogs by following the links people have posted for this meme. So glad you jumped in with more, more, more!
Good for you, Sistuh!
Yeah, lynette! I can't wait to check out these blogs. And thank you for being such a good sport.
Thanks for the links...just bookmarked ourkarlrove...looks like a good read.
Recently I've been reading a blog I discovered thru BMB (Big Muscle Bears...remember? Joe's got a profile there! I won't give you the details!)
Check out
Bless, you dahling. You are my inspiration. My blog started out as a fun ride into nothing, but now I venture to vent my opinion once in a while, and it is all because of you. I've noticed that a few of us circular bloggers (you know the group, we hit each others' blogs in a circular motion) are writing about more serious issues.
And I lay the influence at your feet (and Big Fella's-he's another fave of mine.)
You rock, sister. And you deserve to blush because someone gave you an award.
Thanks for the kind words about Our Karl Rove.
I'll continue to do my best to help from my little corner of the blogosphere, however I have no idea how to get the Dems to hire me, though that would be something I would entertain if the opportunity were to arise.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: You're my blog mommy. And again you've led me to more interesting reading.
You're our Big Ass Blog Mamma Lynette! And you never fail to make me think.. and have lead me to some very interesting reading as well.
You. Totally. Rock.
Thank you for tagging our blog with this award. We are truly honored and grateful for your endorsement and kind words.
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