Thursday, July 05, 2007
About Me
- Name: BigAssBelle
- Location: Southern, United States
Counting the days til I get out of here.

People I Read
- Bad American
- BFD Blog!
- Blue Alto
- Delectatio Morosa
- Dishin' Dat
- Doralong
- Eric Three Thousand
- Evil Ganome
- From the Faraway, Nearby
- I Need More Cowbell
- It's My Right to Be Left of Center
- Joe.My.God.
- Kamrin's Karma
- Kusala
- Library Muscle Guy/Tank
- Long Story Longer
- Manhattan Chowder/Michael
- Meanwhile
- Ninth Circle of Helen
- Perge Modo
- Tater
- Rodger Dodger
- Scuff Productions
- Secrets of the Red Seven
- Shakesville
- Sirens Chronicles
- Someone in a Tree
- Subtle Knife
- Valley of the Vapors
- Willy or Won't He?
- Wit's End
- World O' Jeff
- BFD Blog!

Mine too, and I don't have a single swear word on my site (because I'm always afraid my mother will read). I got an NC-17 because of the number of times I say "gay" and "lesbian" -- which is probably pretty accurate; Jack Valenti never had much love for the gays.
Damn its not fair. I only got a PG .... going to have to beef up the content... maybe some naked "gay" men or mud-wrestling "lesbians" Wonder what my rating would have been if I had used "murder, death, war, car crash, dismemberment" or more violent words.
Willym: I posted about a movie and used the word "suicide" twice, and this was also noted in my NC-17 rating.
However, I think that the 26 "gays" and 18 "lesbians" had a lot more to do with it.
oh how FUNNY!!! i didn't even see the words that caused the rating . . .
# dick (9x)
# gay (5x)
# rape (4x)
# hell (3x)
# crap (2x)
# knife (1x)
so yeah, gay will get you there. but wait! hell? crap? what about fuckheads and dickheads and miserable fucking bastards???? maybe i'm actually rated NC-50 ;-)
willym, i think that your PG rating is precious. i'll try not to use profanity when i comment on your charming posts.
Wow, I'm NC-17.. I had no idea my content was so depraved, dear me! Me and my potty mouth..
nooooooo ... I want to be bad.... I don't want to be precious.... please use dirty words... please... damn starting to sound like a married man on a gay chat line....
um . . . you're about to be married, honey. get used to it. i have also become (relatively) upstanding and far less profane than when i was a free spirit. it's your spirit that's precious. i'm sure you're all obscene and lascivious on the outside.
doralong, you're a floozy, girl. suck it up.
I tried this a few weeks ago, and I guess I'm happy with my 'R' rating (though NC-17 would have thrilled me). My sins?:
"semen" (in a post about cloned cattle)
"gay" (duh)
"dike" (used in the water barrier / levee sense)
I'd say that web rating system makes as much sense as the MPAA's puritanical movie ratings. But it was fun.
How disappointing. "PG - Parental Guidance Suggested" at Library Muscle Guy, and just for using the word 'gay'. I'm gonna have to juice things up over here cuz my life is definately NC-17, if not downright obscene on weekends. Commenters, you're encouraged to be as vulgar as you please.
Yikes- mine came out as PG, because of the recurring words "bomb" and "dominatrix".
Maybe that's why I don't have enough readers. Guess it's time for that piece on Christian fisting.
Ohhhhh, your gonna love this Da-a-a-a-h-link! I'm RATED G!!!
For Gay? God I hope so. Don't believe me? Paste my link in that box and see for thyself. I would like to think that it is because I use a splash page for my blog, which doesn't reflect my content...
i'm just . . . well, speechless. here y'all are, a bunch of gay guys and a couple of women and only one of you gets NC-17?? i'm going to your blogs to curse a little and talk nasty a lot . . .
willym- Precious is a term used in the south to indicate that the person using the term really does adore you- it's a good thing- promise!
Yes Lynette- I am way, way beyond redemption, and pretty pleased with my progress in that regard actually.
And Tater- that's because you're precious too. Don't change a thing.
yes you are, tater bug. precious as they come. geeze. what a fucking day. hope all y'all's has been better than mine.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,fuckety fuckfuck!!!
there now, that should add a few more points!!!!
Qh, and tankmontreal, I promise to comment and add a few profanities on your blog!! (I often check your site out too!)
brion, what a peach! you can just scamper about spreading profanity and bawdy remarks, thereby raising (or lowering) the ratings of us all :-)
Hey tank, I'll whisper dirty comment into your blog's ear if you do the same to mine. There has to bring some way we can bring ourselves up... er down.. ahhh.. to the same level as the ladies!
hahaha!!!! how sweet!!
I'm a naughty girl. NC-17. And, apparently, that's only for the posts that actually show up on the home page, AND they don't count suffixes/prefixes. I like my curse words dressed up with plenty of those, and they don't even count against me. Hallefuckinlujah.
Willym, I'm definitely going to sully your precious site, next time I'm over.
joe/kusala is the only person I've heard of getting an "R" rating. I was thinking they skip right over that one?
I'm NC-17 too. It almost makes me feel like I need to up the ante...
Wait!!! I took this thing on Thursay and got NC-17. Just to see the words it picked up on I tried it again just now. And now I'm R!!!
Well it's obvious, really:
abortion (4x)
sex (3x)
fag (2x)
ass (1x)
Oh, Lynette! This is just TOO too funny. I gave it a shot and was deeply disappointed when I received a "PG" rating.
My blog? PG? I don't think so! So I tried again using my archives from May. The results:
ass (5x)
drugs (4x)
dead (3x)
pain (2x)
hell (1x)
I am now the proud owner of an "R" rating.
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