Thursday, August 30, 2007

new orleans: we are not ok


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post CANNOT go without a comment. It would be shameful.

I decided in June that August 29 would be Rufus' birthday. (If you recall, Rufus is the 3 year old Yorkshire terrier that I adopted from the Humane Society from among the 144 dogs and cats we received in the last week of September 2005 -- airlifted outta the Lamar Dixon Expo Center.) He's my boy. My good (but sometimes frustratingly bullheaded and over-protective) boy.

September 03, 2007 10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I mean my comment to not in any way diminish the continuing hardships of those trying to reclaim their homes and businesses in New Orleans.

I just wanted to say that out of that hell came something good -- many pets were re-united, and almost all the rest of the unclaimed dogs and cats found new families.

But in my lifetime, I hope I never experience such a thing again.

September 03, 2007 10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

steve, you're a saint. thank you for what you've done. if i were a new orleans refugee, i would be comforted to know that someone had cared for my animals. what a hearbreak.

September 04, 2007 2:49 PM  

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