fifty. one. years.
That seems impossible. Fifty-one year olds are old, doddering, wrinkled. Old. How can I continue to feel 25 when my back cracks and my knees shoot the occasional warning pain? It's bizarre that there are no significant wrinkles, yet keeping away the gray is a weekly endeavor. Fifty one years ago on Palm Sunday, eight pounds of dark eyed, curly-haired baby girl dashed her daddy's last hope for a son. Life is filled with disappointments, yes? And joys. Yes. Happy day to all of you.

Labels: birthdays
Happy Birthday you young thang!
Happy Birthday you young thang!
Happy Birthday, and many happy returns. You're still a couple of years behind me. (And from the sounds of things, fewer wrinkles too.) Enjoy!
Happy birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many happy returns! The warning pains sound pretty much an exact replica of mine. And keeping the gray away. But yes, I do not feel that old. Not sure which age, sort of ageless I think. Must be a case of disassociation from my age :>)
I read your beautiful posting on god's golden spotlight and could relate to that special feeling that I have been missing too. Hope you can find it back in your life as it is magical and beautiful and does contribute much of life's beauty. Isn't it amazing however how the gateway to those golden moments always has to come through enormous suffering.
I am not so far away that I can't fly up to Tulsa and spank you for your 29th birthday.
Oh yes, HAPPY Birthday to YOU!
I wish I were there or you were here so I could make you some kind of fabulous looks-like-it-just-came-out-of-a-professional-kitchen cake or other lusciously sinful dessert.
Enjoy your day -- how will you be spending it?
many happy returns
Well, last week Bette Davis turned 100 so you're just getting started.
Many happy returns of the day.
happy happy birthday!!!! I am close behind you - will be fifty in August - but I never feel "old" - maybe wise and experienced, but not "old" ...You are awesome!!
Happy Berfday, Belle!! And many, many happy returns of the day.
Glad to see it's just candles that are 'fired up' today. Happy Birthday!
Congrats on your first 51, Lynette.
You rock.
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Happy Birthday!!!!
Don't look at it as your 51st birthday - it'S the 30th anniversary of your 21st!
Happiest of birthdays - a day late but given the time change!!!!!
and many, many more!!
Happy birthday, dear, and I wanted to thank you for your replies to JMG post today, "Gay groups plead mercy for Lawrence King's killer." You are an awesome and thoughtful writer, and I've been lurking way too long without saying hey.
And I think you posted a bit on Wonkette--where us gays had a bit of a revolution due to our favorite fag-hag editor's firing. Join us on Cynics Party instead!
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful to know it's your special day. Sending lots of love to you, Belle.
Oh sweetie! Happy Birthday! I'm sure your daddy is certainly proud of the fine woman he has now. He is blessed.
Happy, Happy Birthday. My back has been cracking and my knees throbbing since 43 - sounds like your just fine!
Happy Belated Birthday and big, warm Happy Birthday hugs sweetie. As a dear friend recently told me, she's not 51, she's Fifty Wonderful!! You fit that bill perfectly Lynette!
Sorry I didn't enter this timely.... but I hope your birthday was a happy one.... 51's nothing. At 61, I'm still feeling pretty much the way I felt at 51. Kids annoy me more now though...............hah.
Happy belated birthday. Very glad to have found you in this often strange land of the internet.
Happy Birthday! 51 is the new 50!
Age and time are human constructs and have nothing to do with reality. A friend of mine is 55 and he is heading off to Iceland to tour a theater production. Doddering doesn't start until well after 70, so shut your mouth, blow out the candles and get back to work!
Hey Lynette--Happy Belated Birthday! You are not getting older--you are getting better--like a fine wine---hope ya have many more! BIG HUGS!
OMG, I just looked on you blog cause I haven't seen you at JMG. We have the same birthday, 10yrs apart!. Happy belated and I'm glad you are blogging again.
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