sweet bobby
The second of my ex-employees to be charged with murder. Bobby was truly one of my favorites. If I were going to rank them, he's at the top of the list, though I finally had to let him go, and Bryant, who was arrested on a first degree murder charge last Christmas, would be second. I would never have imagined either of these men could kill someone. Maybe they didn't. The system is certainly stacked against Native Americans in this state. We'll see. Meanwhile, I'm pretty heartbroken about Bobby.
Labels: murderers and friends
We had the same horrific murder here. Only difference is the suspects are all minors and African-American. The oldest is 16.
They kicked him to death.
Very tragic news :-(
Was there drugs and/or alcohol involved? Lives ruined. Lives ended. It really is so fucking sad for everyone. Some people really make a mess of everything.
Stories like this seem to be surfacing more and more. There was just a case like this up in Vancouver - but as in dusty's instance they were all minors. Sad very sad... for everyone involved.
We consider the Dark and Middle Ages to be times of universal hardship and suffering, times we are grateful not have had to endure. But how will our 'modern' era be regarded in five hundred years?
Evidence indicates we are living in primitive times, to be sure. Maybe the only difference between us and our forebearers is that we may be more aware of it than they were.
I once knew a murderer. He wasn't a murderer when I first met him but became jealous of his wife and killed her. I always wonder how can that be; he was, after all, a really nice guy--at one time.
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