john mccain? "he's too old to be president"
I didn't say it, that's straight from the mouth of my 91 year old Republican father. Who better to know? (At last we agree. Thanks Daddy!)
Labels: john mccain, old presidents, republicans
something happened on the way to Mexico
Labels: john mccain, old presidents, republicans
Good Gawd..great graphic Belle! ;p
Not only is he too old, he is disgustingly contrary..asshat that he is..
The man just flat out scares me..
I was ASTOUNDED when the media give him a pass on his "health checkup" and you heard NO details. It was only on Olberman I heard that not only has he had the Skin Melanoma several times, but has had lesions in the butt every time he's had a colonoscopy. There were OTHER issues that threaten his future...and ALL we got was "great health" . OBAMA on the other hand? They reported there is a risk of cancer in his family.... As usual, I was left angered by our capitalist media. THANKS for bringing this up to discuss, Lynette.
But. . . it's the LIBERAL MEDIA!
Yeah, right. Spin me another fairy tale Uncle Dan (Rather).
Sure McCain will get a pass on his health - and a lot more than that. My great fear is that the campaign just starting will prove to be the worst in American history for slime and sleaze. Expect all manner of racist crap to find it's way to the mainstream from 'under the radar' groups directly or indirectly controlled by the GOP and their money men.
I fear it's the start of a long hot summer for many reasons.
Is it it me or does John look like he just finished suc.....
.Let's just leave it at that.
I plan to vote for Obama base don the issues, but personally I find it reprehensible that the age factor is in play on this. John McCain is not too old, and even saying so is, in my mind, like saying Obama is too black or whatever. It's discrimination and has no place in an educated, civil election. I have an 80 year old grandfather in better shape than me who I would vote for president in a second. Churchill, Ghandi... history is full of great men older than John McCain is now who led people and countries to greatness. You do a great disservice by thinking this way and I really hope the Democrats son't make this an issue because it will turn me off, and I know I'm not the only one. Ageism=ignorance.
Hah Al!!! I was just going to say the exact same thing! I guess Cheney IS hung like a horse after all...
No offense Anonymouse, but age is a very important factor. The man is not auditioning for the greeter position at Walmart, but for the role of President of the United States. We don't need another doddering Reagan in office, when there is so much tireless work that must be performed to turn our fucked up country around. Someone without ample energy, agility, and good health, is just going to leave us right where we are at, or even worse off. If McCain is up to the task and is in good health, then grant us access to his health records which state just that. Ageism does do many people harm, but in this case, I think we are correct in wondering whether he is fit mentally and physically to perform this very difficult and important job.
Asking if someone is fit mentally/physically for a job is fine: we should ask that of any candidate. But just because he is of a certain age doesn't mean he is not fit. Judge on the merits, not on the age. I am excited about an Obama presidency, but I don't think McCain will be a disaster either. For once in my life I feel like we have a choice between two good people, not too bad ones. McCain and Obama represent the best of America, and that is exciting.
Obama already won. It was between him and Clinton. McCain is tired old relic who will be put out to pasture in the senate. Sounds so eerily roman huh?
I find it reprehensible that the age factor is in play on this. John McCain is not too old, and even saying so is, in my mind, like saying Obama is too black or whatever. It's discrimination and has no place in an educated, civil election. I have an 80 year old grandfather in better shape than me who I would vote for president in a second.
oh anonymous, my 91 year old father said it. and when you speak of "discrimination" in terms of age, there are limits on the ages of our presidents already. there's a lower limit. why not an upper limit?
i'm not saying john mccain is too old. he's a lot of things, but i don't know about age. it's just that when a 91 year old man says that it would be a problem ~ because of energy levels, etc ~ i listen.
Never count your chickens until they are hatched. Everyone thought Gore was a shoe-in when the general campaign started. We must remain very wary over the next six months.
You didn't say it, Lynette, but you agreed with it. The fact is, it doesn't matter who says it, really. If a black man said tomorrow that Obama was too black to be president would that matter? Of course not, and it shouldn't. If a woman said Hillary Clinton was too emotional to be president, should that matter? The fact is that we have to judge people as individuals. Not every black man is lazy. Not every woman is over emotional. And not every old man is tired. I expect better from you.
i understand and i also agree about the age factor but John McCain being a tired old relic is not only about his chronilogical age, it is about how he thinks and plans to govern. It is tired. old. much like a relic. I do not think he is that old to tell you the truth and i certainly would not vote for someone just because they are in their forties either. I believe McCain will lose because i think Obama will come off so beautifully in the debates. He will be tremendous with his oratory talent. If he loses it is because of racism and frankly i would rather know what people are thinking. I would rather hear them call someon a nigger then just think it. Racism cannot be addressed without being disussed and cannot be discussed if nothing is said. It still permeates our entire society.
Anonymous, there are lots of old people who are functional and capable, I just don't happen to think John McCain is one of them. He can't remember what he says from one day to the next. He is woefully uneducated on the issues that face us today. He relies on his party's dogma to get him through. I don't know what it is with him, but my gut feeling is that he may feel entitled to be president because of what he's been through. He brings no fresh ideas to his candidacy, no particular experience except that of catering to lobbyists. He's more of the same tired Republican meme of simply saying, long and loud, that he is something that he is, in fact, not. Maverick, Mr. Ethics, fiscally conservative. Whatever.
And i had to laugh out loud at your "i expect better from you." Really? Why on earth would you? You disagree with virtually everything I say. Why would you expect this to be any different?
Just as Ewe said, McCain is tired. He has an old way of thinking. He's stuck in patterns of thought that worked for the republican "revolution," but they are patterns of thought that are surely dooming us to a disastrous future.
Lynette, expressing it that way is better- it's not his age, it's his beliefs. Thats' why I expect better of you. I don' have to agree with you on every issue to respect your principles of fairness and the standards you uphold, and in the way this was posted you seemed to let go of those principles for a cheap shot backed by a discriminatory message. Rather than saying McCain is too old to be elected, it makes more sense to simply state why he shouldn't be elected base don the issues.
jeepers anonymous, do you want Lynette to bend over for a spanking? I am beginning to realize we are all human. Infallible. It is also quite exhausting to be mean and best not to expect what you want the way you want it from anyone.
Point taken, I just want to make sure though that we are holding ourselves to higher standards than the other side, and that's it's important to point out when things- even if no harm was intended- can come across as discriminatory toward a group of people.
yup, that's what we democrats have done all along. we've upheld standards, not fought back, been nice and nonjudgmental and open and understanding. look where it's gotten us.
we have a country on the brink of complete destruction because of the efforts of a small group of psychopaths who have fought dirty at every turn.
i'm unmedicated, pissed and armed and being all conciliatory and bipartisan just pisses me the fuck off. someone else can do that shit. i am too angry at what has happened to my country.
"i'm not ready to make nice."
But that's not Obama's message.
Brink of disaster is a bit dramatic. This is nowhere close to 1861, or even the 1970s for that matter.
I prefer we win on the merits, not on the fluff (or excrement as the case may be).
and i am not obama. and if you don't think we're on the brink of disaster, you're not paying attention.
I could say the same, so we just have to agree to disagree on that. And you may not be Obama, but I hope you plan to vote for him, and his message depends very much on one of hope, civility, inclusion and changing the politics as usual.
I could say the same, so we just have to agree to disagree on that. And you may not be Obama, but I hope you plan to vote for him, and his message depends very much on one of hope, civility, inclusion and changing the politics as usual.
The world was on the brink of disaster during the Cold War. And it was only because of Reagan and Bush that we came out victorious. All Democrats have done in the past decade+ is whine and not accomplish one single thing. Examples: Clinton made the United States pay trubute to North Korea to keep quiet; CLinton's foreign policy was weak and the 9/11 tragedy was because of him. Bush put American on the the offensive and we have not been attacked since. As for the economy, Reaganomics have proved to be effective.
You can't rewrite history Anonymous, no matter how hard you try.
Reagan wasn't all that and neither were his policies. It's a fact that Reagans' tax policies caused problems and a deficit.
As for the rest of your isn't worth discussing.
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