
Mexico. Two weeks. Heaven. Not nearly enough. At least this time I won't have to fake an English accent when folks ask where I'm from. For the first time in eight years, I'll be able to say with pride Si! Soy norteamericana. El presidente Barack Obama? Muy bueno! Hallelujah.
Labels: 'bye, at last, barack obama, proud of my country, vacations
Why would you ever pretend not to be American? Regardless of who is president, this is a country to be proud of. The English have a far worse history of imperialism and exploitation than America.
Have a great time in Mexico. Wish I was going with you. I feel relief too at the end of the Bush years.
Have a fantastic time and i hope you have great weather. Take walks and curl your toes in the sand with a big hat on for me please and splash lots of water around in glee.
Have a fabulous and relaxing trip- nice to know soon we won't have to worry about being embarrassed by our leadership isn't it?
Bien viaje, mi amiga!
Enjoy yourself Chica!!!
Vaya con Dios. ;)
Have a wonderful time.
I'm jealous...haven't had a Mexico fix for a year now! Where are you in Mexico?
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Ooh, have fun. I'm jealous of your vacations.... the only "vacation" I have coming up is to New Jersey. Hope to see a new posting when you get back.
I'm with anonymous.
Bon voyage, as we say up here in Canada (where it's damn cold, BTW).
Muy bueno, indeed! I'm jealous, as always, but that's par for the course. Enjoy!
Two weeks is not enough? I barely get one week of solid vacation a year. You're spoiled, my dear. Enjoy!
I totally understand. Our travels abroad slowed down and finally stopped because my sweet spouse got tired of feeling he had to either explain (who could!?) George W. Bush - or apologize.
Needless to say, my mission trips to Kenya are the exception (where they declared a national holiday whan we elected Obama president of the USA)!
Where are you? Shouldn't you be back by now? You didn't get lost and dump your husband for a rich mexican tycoon did you?
Welcome back sweetheart! Hope your trip was relaxing and enjoyable.
Are you back? We miss you!
OK Lynette- let us all know you're back in one piece!
I hope you had a great time but I'm ready for you to return and blog some more!!!! And anyone who didn't understand your comment about the fake English accent just hasn't been out of the country for the last few years!
Miss Lynette - you are missed!
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