Tuesday, November 04, 2008
About Me
- Name: BigAssBelle
- Location: Southern, United States
Counting the days til I get out of here.

People I Read
- Bad American
- BFD Blog!
- Blue Alto
- Delectatio Morosa
- Dishin' Dat
- Doralong
- Eric Three Thousand
- Evil Ganome
- From the Faraway, Nearby
- I Need More Cowbell
- It's My Right to Be Left of Center
- Joe.My.God.
- Kamrin's Karma
- Kusala
- Library Muscle Guy/Tank
- Long Story Longer
- Manhattan Chowder/Michael
- Meanwhile
- Ninth Circle of Helen
- Perge Modo
- Tater
- Rodger Dodger
- Scuff Productions
- Secrets of the Red Seven
- Shakesville
- Sirens Chronicles
- Someone in a Tree
- Subtle Knife
- Valley of the Vapors
- Willy or Won't He?
- Wit's End
- World O' Jeff
- BFD Blog!

Joyful here as well...I'm still in shock, but so thankful!
I still can't believe it. I can't get my head around the coming end of Bush. Amazing.
I'm so happy for the American people and for the entire world.
Here's hoping the Shrub doesn't barricade himself in and declare martial law..
It's a beautiful day indeed!
wendy, the thing i've been boo hooing about this morning is the incredible images of folks around the world celebrating this victory with us. it's heart warming.
and for the first time in eight years, when i go to mexico in a couple of weeks, i'll be able to hold my head up. thank you for your good wishes. :-)
DL ~ did you ever imagine this day would come? i've also thought this morning of how bush could negate this win. i think that's called a siege mentality . . . when you really can't believe it's ever going to stop, it just goes on and on and on. and on.
I knew it was gonna happen :)
So proud to have my Obama sticker on my back windshield, if only I could wrap Christmas lights around it blinking STRONGLY as I drive to work!
Cindy in CO
Yes indeedy, Cindy! I went to get coffee this morning, also wanting to pick up some newspapers with the good in 72 pt type . . . sold out :-) Clerk said people had been coming in all morning buying 2-3-6 papers . . . yay :-)
You don't think any of those Oklahoman McCain voters were buying multiple copies of the newspapers as souvenirs, do you? They should be ashamed! (wink)
It's so good to see you happy and optimistic about your country again.
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